卓越运营 数据仪表盘


卓越运营 in Montgomery County Public Schools is demonstrated in several different ways. It is shown through our direct service to schools and students; our adherence to sound financial practices; our commitment to environmental stewardship; and how we hire, 保留, 培养最优秀的公共教育人员. Measuring our success in these key areas is an important part of our ongoing effort to support the success of our students and demonstrates our dedication to continuous improvement. The path to continuous improvement requires us to use data to evaluate programs and services, 使用数据来指导改进工作, 并利用数据来制定需求驱动的预算. 这些MCPS数据仪表板是与社区分享这些措施的一项努力, 趋势, 以及我们用来检验的各种数据点, 指南, 改善威尼斯官网在线的运作.


超过100人,我们有000名学生依靠MCPS巴士上学和回家, 去参加体育比赛和丰富的实地考察. 公共汽车系统, 运营商, 培训师, 维修人员确保我们每天都能做到这一点.


Montgomery County school buses provide student transportation to more than 200 schools in Montgomery County and special schools in Maryland, 弗吉尼亚和华盛顿, DC. 公共汽车有策略地停在全县的六个Transportation站. Each depot has a fueling system, maintenance repair shop, and houses depot administrative offices. 公共汽车也为暑期学校提供交通工具, 全年进行实地考察和其他社区活动. Our on-time arrival data monitors a very important objective to ensure students are at school in time for the start of their instructional day.


All school bus accidents are determined preventable/non-preventable by the MCPS Accident Review Board and State of Maryland 指南lines. The Department of Transportation set a target of not more than 45 preventable accidents per year to gauge efforts around safety training, 审查, 减少事故. 对于所有可预防的事故, it is mandatory that the bus operator involved attend an MCPS accident refresher/training class. 这些培训课程在整个学年中每月举行一次.


School buses are fitted with camera technology that records motorists passing a stopped school bus in violation of traffic laws. The data represent police citations issued to motorists based on footage captured by the school bus camera. 2016年10月开始, 实施了新的和扩展的技术,能够记录更多的违规行为.

Food & 营养

MCPS Division of Food及营养服务 serves more than 16 million meals to students each year. 准备, 交付, 供应这么多餐需要注意细节, 财政计划, 注重细节的员工.


The various Child 营养 Programs offered to our students exceed the requirements as established by the United States Department of Agriculture. MCPS致力于提供高品质的产品, nutritious meals and snacks to all students as we recognize that a hungry child cannot learn.


The number of students eligible for Free and Reduced-price Meals System (FARMS) services is higher than it has ever been. There continues to be a large number of our students that come to us from economically disadvantaged households and facing food insecurity. The school meals program and the Summer Food Service Program provide the nourishment needed to keep our students healthy.


The Weekend Backpack program services elementary students and their families experiencing food insecurity. 有三家非营利性合作伙伴提供该项目. These partners have set the common goal of making weekend food assistance available to all elementary schools with more than 50 percent of their students eligible for FARMS services.

& 环境可持续性

Supportive learning environments and efficient work spaces are the responsibility of the Division of 设施管理. 在我们近300座建筑中,数百万平方英尺的面积是经过设计的, 维护, 由一组专业人员负责清洁.


The data show the number of repairs requested by schools as well as some preventive maintenance initiated by central services. 跟踪数据是为了监视请求和完成的工作, 请求的数量, 所需工作与已完成工作之间的差距, 以及完成请求所花费的时间.


The data are used to prepare budget requests that support maintenance to maximize and extend the life of buildings. The data are also used to analyze the need to maintain older 设施 after deferral of capital renewal, 或者需要增加主动预防性维护.


The data represent the actual number of building inspections completed vs the targeted number. These building inspections assess the cleanliness and operations of buildings and the work of building service workers. Schools should receive two inspections a year, other 设施 should receive one inspection. 就完成数量而言,生产力受到天气的影响, 出现的其他紧急反应, 员工短缺.


The building service area supervisors conduct local regular inspections and give a letter grade of quality. 目标是所有检查都获得“B”或以上的等级.



MCPS monitors its efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through a variety of sustainability programs and investments. 这些数据将这些减少分为六个类别:能源改造, 购买风能, 回收, 减少固体废物, 学校能源和回收(SERT)计划的削减, 通过建设项目提高了能源效率. 在FY16, the decrease in SERT reduction is due to the implementation of a new energy avoidance baseline calculation for schools. 自2003年以来, MCPS减少了超过70%的温室气体排放,000公吨二氧化碳当量或MTCO2e. 这意味着自2003年以来,MCPS的碳足迹减少了30%.


即使入学人数增加,MCPS也一直在减少垃圾的产生. MCPS has made a major commitment to 回收 and to tracking the performance of these efforts. 蒙哥马利县要求回收四种材料:纸/纸板, 瓶/罐, 庭院废弃物, 废金属.


无论是书, 家具, 或清洁用品管理部库存, 提供, 为我们的学校提供物资, 设施, 以及在教室和办公室支持教学和学习所需的所有员工.


The Department of 物料管理 (DMM) manages a warehouse and distribution network that provides the necessary textbooks, 教学材料, 教室及办公用品, 科学工具, 家具, 设备, 把测试材料送到学校和办公室. DMM recognizes that these requests are time sensitive and strives to meet the goal of completing the request within five working days.


One of our major goals to support schools needing 教学材料 is to provide all teachers with dependable copier machines readily available during every school day. While we monitor our response time for repairs to ensure we are complying with our service agreement with principals (which targets repair within 48 hours), our primary performance measure for this goal is to reduce repairs and increase preventive maintenance.

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